lunes, 26 de mayo de 2008

Democracy (Greeks)

Greece is a very important country because they advanced a lot in technology and politics. They invented the democracy, a way of government in witch the people vote for they representants. This politic system was invented because the citizens didn’t agree with the way of think of the governors so the governors let them to vote for the representants. The democracy is very important because is a way in witch the people decide what is going to happen with the "town".

jueves, 8 de mayo de 2008

my childhood

My name is Sebastian escobar , i am 13 years old and i also had a great childhood. When i was 7 i used to play LEGO with my brother . We invented a lot of adventures and a lot of stories, and always having a great time. One day we bougth a Star Wars space ship. The most fun part of a LEGO thing was construct it so then we could play with it.

Once we constructed the space ship, we had so much fun and we combined it with the other LEGO things. The next day we fougth because i wanted to be the good ones and he two so i trougth the LEGO space ship from the building. The space ship was now a space sheet. My brother got so mad that he didnt talk me in a week.

miércoles, 7 de mayo de 2008


In the morning of 9/11in 2001, four commercial airlines were hijacked. 2 of the airlines crashed with the twin towers(wtc, world trade center) one of them crashed with the wtc1 and the other with the wtc2. Another airline crashed with the pentagon and the other crashed near shanksville pensylvania .

American Airlines fligth11, crashed with the wtc1 at 8:46 am, hitting betwen the 98 and 94 floor . The wtc1 collapsed at 10:28, a 102 minutes after the flith crashed.

United Airlines flight175, crashed with the wtc2 at 9:02am, hitting between the 78 and 86 floor of this tower. This tower collapsed at 9:59, 56 min after burning.