miércoles, 7 de mayo de 2008


In the morning of 9/11in 2001, four commercial airlines were hijacked. 2 of the airlines crashed with the twin towers(wtc, world trade center) one of them crashed with the wtc1 and the other with the wtc2. Another airline crashed with the pentagon and the other crashed near shanksville pensylvania .

American Airlines fligth11, crashed with the wtc1 at 8:46 am, hitting betwen the 98 and 94 floor . The wtc1 collapsed at 10:28, a 102 minutes after the flith crashed.

United Airlines flight175, crashed with the wtc2 at 9:02am, hitting between the 78 and 86 floor of this tower. This tower collapsed at 9:59, 56 min after burning.

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