miércoles, 12 de diciembre de 2007


Tommy and his parents and grandparents went out for a summer picnic with their family. It was a warm July day and they went to one of the local areas in North Carolina. At lunch time when they went to eat, no one could find Tommy. Everyone began searching, but they did not find him. Then someone called the police and a full search was started.

Bear and Brenda were the closest to the area, so they went there. Bear is Brenda´s rescue dog and partner. We checked into the command post and was told where Tommy had been last seen. It was already starting to get dark. Tommy had been missing for over six hours. Bear had picked up Tommy's scent . Bear followed it to a small creek and then he lost the scent. We knew Tommy had gone into the creek, but which way?

Two hours later, they look up all over the creek. Bear found the scent again and they took off. They went through the woods to a small clearing and Bear went to the middle and sat down. This was his way of telling that Tommy should have been there, but he wasn't. During the night a second rescue dog arrived and he came to the same place we were. They searched over 72 hours, but no one find Tommy. Where did a 4 year old boy went?

They were released from the search. No one could find Tommy. The dogs had done all they could do . Brenda loaded Bear into the wagon. Part way down the road, she pulled over and got into the back of the wagon with Bear and cried.

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