miércoles, 12 de diciembre de 2007

My 13 birthday

My 13th birthday I was in the flight from Canada as an exchange student. My Canadian family, cellebrate this event with a party the day before I left Canada, with some of my Colombian friends that went there too. We were very happy because that was the last day of the exchange. At first we saw a movie called Perfect Score. Later we had a marshmellow war at the back yard where we throw the marshmellow to each other. This was the 5th of October however my birthday was the folowing day at the plane on my way back to Bogotà.

After that day, it was time to go. At six o`clock in the mornig I left Saskatoon on my way to Toronto. I was very tired because I could not sleep. We were sad of leaving our families. After three our in the plane we arrive to Toronto`s airport where we had to stay four more hours.

Finally we left Toronto to spend 7 hours in the airplane on the way to Colombia. When we arrived in Bogota, we were received by our families. We felt very happy knowing that we were at home. But I was much more happy that any one, my family cousins, aunts, uncles, father and friends were there for my birthday. The noise, confeetis, signs and gifts makes me feel the happiest boy in the world.

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